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The Dakota – Designed With Your Comfort in Mind

Our beautifully designed twin villa community at Jasper Flats in South Naples, FL is proud to offer four impressively designed floor plans, including The Dakota. This uniquely crafted twin villa home spans 1,264 square feet of air-conditioned living space and a 277-square-foot attached garage, totaling over 1,500 square feet of thoughtful elegance. With two bedrooms and two full baths, this floor plan combines the epitome of classic comfort with modern luxury, all merged and finely tuned to your unique needs.

The layout maximizes both space and utility to reflect the very best in Naples living, creating not just a well-arranged home but also a new level of impressionable charm. Take a closer look at The Dakota floor plan here at Jasper Flats and make the move today.

house and garage doors

Brilliant Interiors, Equally Impressive Exteriors

Step into The Dakota and you’ll immediately appreciate the attention to detail. Luxury vinyl tile flooring, solid wood cabinetry, and Kohler/Moen fixtures blend effortlessly with stainless steel appliances and stunning quartz countertops, while the 8-foot interior doors and 10-foot ceilings create an enhanced sense of expansive living space.

While The Dakota integrates sustainable, eco-friendly features and a distinctive interior design, these Jasper Flats residences extend their charm and functionality beyond their interior. The architecturally designed front elevations and steel-reinforced concrete block construction solidify safety and curb appeal, the impact sliding doors and windows and premium brick pavers walks and driveways offer equally impressive beauty.

Make The Dakota Distinctly Yours Today

Embrace the welcoming feel of The Dakota here at Jasper Flats, where every inch has been thoughtfully crafted to resonate with your unique lifestyle. This floor plan serves as more than just a living space – it’s a testament to the perfect harmony of chic appeal and practical design. Every feature provides an equal measure of form and function that elevates everyday living in South Naples. Experience comfort and style in a home that’s distinctly yours.

Discover Your New Residence Today