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The Montana – A Fusion of Charm & Functionality

Our twin villa home community at Jasper Flats in South Naples, FL is proud to present four beautiful floor lans to choose from, including The Montana. The Montana layout captures the essence of fine living, integrating 1,350 square feet of living space and an attached 277 square-foot garage, totaling over 1,600 square feet. Expect the same standard of excellence found in all our twin villa residences, from the distinctive interior design to all the eco-friendly features, high-end fixtures, and state-of-the-art technology. The built-in desk – a unique addition to The Montana floor plan – provides an ideal workspace that brings even more convenience to your everyday routine. Dive into the stunning details of The Montana and explore upscale Naples living today.

living room

Thoughtfully Designed Inside and Out

Step inside The Montana and you’ll discover a living space where premium craftsmanship meets ultramodern design. An expansive master suite awaits with a grand wardrobe, a master bath with dual vanity sinks, and an oversized shower. Revel in the open-concept living area perfect for relaxing or hosting guests, where the Great Room merges with a open kitchen and island complete with solid wood cabinetry and gorgeous quartz countertops.

The home’s exterior mirrors the interior’s equally impressive design, featuring hurricane-impact sliding glass doors and windows, brick paver sidewalks, driveways, and entryways, architecturally designed front elevations, and steel-reinforced concrete block construction. Every facet of our twin villa homes has been thoughtfully considered, and The Montana is no exception.

Welcome to Your New South Naples Home

Embrace the contemporary elegance of The Montana, a floor plan meticulously designed for those who seek top-notch quality and innovative style in complete harmony. Our twin villa homes are more than just architectural marvels – they’re enveloped in a vibrant, welcoming community in an enviable location mere minutes from Downtown Naples.

Living at Jasper Flats means being connected with neighbors by professionally designed landscapes and tree-lined streets, as well as having easy access to major roadways that make cultural attractions all within reach. Come explore The Montana today, where luxury lives in every detail.

Discover Your New Residence Today