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The Colorado – A Two-Story Twin Villa Residence

Introducing The Colorado, Jasper Flats’ largest twin villa home in South Naples, FL offering an expansive 1,555 square feet of living space, with 3 bedrooms and 3 full baths, and an attached 277 square-foot garage, totaling over 1,800 square feet. The unique, two-story layout distinguishes The Colorado floor plan as a stunning residence designed for those who desire space, luxury, and state-of-the-art functionality. The main floor warmly welcomes you with its two bedrooms and two full baths, featuring the same high-end interior amenities you’ll find in all our twin villa units, along with a roomy Great Room, open kitchen, and oversized island.

bed in bedroom

Second-Level Living Designed for Your Evolving Needs

The Colorado’s second floor is what truly sets this villa home apart from the rest. Featuring the 3rd bedroom and an en suite full bath, this bonus space brings more versatility and style to the forefront, allowing for a private suite, a home office, or a cozy sanctuary for guests. Take a closer look at our Colorado floor plan and usher in your next chapter of life today.

Make The Colorado Yours – A Masterpiece in Design

The Colorado transcends conventional design, delivering a living experience that’s both opulent and practical. Its robust exterior showcases world-class construction, while the impeccable interior radiates luxury in every corner. Whether you find solace in the expansive master suite or plan on entertaining in the broad living spaces, The Colorado may be the perfect fit, no matter your lifestyle. Come explore The Colorado here at Jasper Flats today and discover all the fine details that celebrate the best in South Naples living.

Discover Your New Residence Today